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Embodying Expression, Gender, Charisma –
Breaking Boundaries of Classical Instrumental Practices


The artistic research project Embodying Expression, Gender, Charisma – Breaking Boundaries of Classical Instrumental Practices started on 15. August 2022 (runtime 15.8.2022-15.12.2025). In 2021 and spring 2022, Barbara Lüneburg and Kai Ginkel conducted a pilot project funded by Anton Bruckner Private University with the title Körper – Ausdruck – Charisma: Künstlerische Forschung in der klassischen Violinpraxis.


Talk and Concert by Barbara Lüneburg and Marko Ciciliani
January 28 2023, Symposium “Games as Critical Practice”, Hochschule für Musik Basel/FHNW, Switzerland

Talk by Barbara Lüneburg and Panel Discussion
DFG-Research Network on (Artistic) Research in Music
March 17-18 2023, Linz, Germany

Keynote by Barbara Lüneburg
European Platform for Artistic Research in Music (EPARM) 2023
March 30-April 1st 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark

Tag der offenen Tür at Bruckner University – One Year Anniversary of EmEGC
September 29th 2023, Linz, Austria

Talks by Kai Ginkel and Barbara Lüneburg
12th Symposium CIP–FORIM on the topic „Leib und Sinne – Corporeity and Sensuality“
September 30 2023, Vienna, Austria

Poster and video presentation by Kai Ginkel
Symposium on the topic „The Future of the Classical Concert“
November 29-30 2023, Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen, Germany

Archive 2021

Pilot Project (August 2021- July 22), funded by the Anton Bruckner Private University)

The pilot project included first studies into the method "Re-enacting Embodiment" and workshop with master students of high strings on embodiment, charisma and artistic research.

Talk by Barbara Lüneburg
Method Art at Royal Conservatoire Antwerp, March 17, 2021

Embodying Expression, Gender and Charisma - A Critique of Classical Instrumental Practices through Artistic Research

Talk by Barbara Lüneburg
PARL-SPRING LAB 2021, 6.May 2021, Anton Bruckner Private University

Archive 2022

Workshop with Master students of Bruckner University, Linz
January to April 2022, Barbara Lüneburg and Kai Ginkel

This workshop was part of the pilot project Körper – Ausdruck – Charisma: Künstlerische Forschung in der klassischen Violinpraxis and included the following topics:

Talk by Barbara Lüneburg
April 8, 9.30 AM, EPARM - European Platform of Artistic Research in Music

Continuation Archive 2022

Keynote by Barbara Lüneburg
July 8, 2022, Festival Heroines of Sound, Berlin

Panel discussion with Barbara Lüneburg, Annesley Black, Juliana Hodkinson, Kirstine Lindemann and Kotoka Suzuki, moderation: Giada della Bonta
July 8, 2022, Festival Heroines of Sound, Berlin

Workshop with students of the ISA-summer academy of Music University Vienna
August 20-27 2022, Semmering, Austria

DFG-Research Network on (Artistic) Research in Music
September 16-17 2022, Berlin, Germany

Talks by Barbara Lüneburg:

Radio interview for Radio Klassik Stephansdom
Oktober 8 and 10 2022

Mixed media installation by Barbara Lüneburg
October 11-14 2022, Novalis Festival, Croatia

The Body that Performs for text, sound and video projection

Keynote by Barbara Lüneburg
November 17/18 2022, Symposium “Study Days on Artistic Research Bern", Bern University of the Arts

Keynote and Mixed media installation by Barbara Lüneburg
November 24/25 2022, Symposium “Opening the Doors to the Art and Science of Music”, Academy of Music, University Ljubljana, Slovenia

Seminar with doctoral students of the University for Music and Performing Arts Vienna by Barbara Lüneburg
December 3 2022, University for Music and Performing Arts Vienna

Logo of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF)

Embodying Expression, Gender Charisma is funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF as project PEEK AR 749-G and is located at the Anton Bruckner Private University in Austria. The project has a runtime of forty months starting in August 2022.